Sunday, June 14, 2009

Let it snow, let it snow, let it disappear

Five days travel south, with cold nights, and heavy snow, the four men approached Kelthalon Cathedral. Only to find it missing... in the mountains a mysterious cave led them to a simple conclusion, investigation! And though Rayne audibly suggested another route to be taken, the quartet progressed into the dark cavern. Chromwyn lights a torch and hands it to Andez to carry. They keep going as the round a bend in the wide cavern.

They soon came to an open chamber where the cave ceiling was lit like a bonfire. Soon they realized, that they had stumbled upon burning firey bats, and the sudden intrusion, was NOT welcome. Shrieking and screaming they were attacked by the horrible burning flying vermin. Launching lightning, and radiant light they fought off their attackers.

During all this Rayne noticed something amiss, and after pointing out that they were being attacked by a large bear, he let fly his arrows. Chromwyn charged in at the bear, and as his companions shot the bats out of the sky, he wrestled the bear down, toe to toe.

Losing his composure, Rayne's loosed arrows had difficulty finding purchase, and it took him awhile to calm down after the creatures were laid to rest. The party, settled down to catch their breath, and they had barely gotten ready to proceed downt he cave, before they heard shuffling approaching them. "I told you, someone had triggered the alarm!", "Well then perhaps we've caught them?", "Our master won't be pleased, they must die, or we'll be exposed!". Before them came three loathesome frogfaced men, their eyes bulging, wide mouths with rows of sharp teeth.

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