Sunday, June 14, 2009

Introducing: The Storm Bringer

Andez sits around the campfire, telling the tale again, as a passing merchant decided to share the fire with your group. "I was on the Astenwary, a massive passenger ship. I was a guard you see. When all of a sudden, we were hit by a massive storm! It was coming at us for at least three different directions! So I went to the passengers rooms to check on them, they were strapped to their beds, praying to their gods to save them, and I noticed that their magical goodies were sitting out there being tossed about, and if I had left it like that, half of them would have been impaled! So I grabbed the clothes, and weapons, and items from each room, to take to storage mind you, and to keep them safe. So as I crossed the deck to the storage room, a massive bolt of lightning came right at me and next thing I knew I was washed ashore on this god-forsaken peninsula, my clothes ruined, and magic and lightning flowing through my veins. That's as honest a truth as you'll hear out of anybody."

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