Monday, April 8, 2013

Playing with Others - Flip Side from GM to Player

At some point of having known someone long enough, there begins to be assumptions made by the other person. At the same time, those assumptions can be near the mark, but inaccurate enough to cause frustration.

So it is with my gaming group. I'm just barely done with my character sheet, submitting it for review, and suddenly things that were agreed on are being changed. The rules are misread by the "leads" in the experience and therefore the character must be altered to fit their perception of the system.

An argument is had, and accusations fly. The "leads" are so right, that they refuse to accept a vision of the game's mechanics other than their own. They refuse to listen to a munchkin or someone who's trying to rule's lawyer their way into "more power" than they deem acceptable for the game.

Unfortunately, I'm the munchkin in this case. I don't understand the purpose or belief that just because someone wants to play a badass "monk" style bare handed adept, that they have to cancel out so much of the power that I'm trying to access. The rules are there to give the adept more to do, because they sacrifice so much to gain the ability to punch someone effectively.

So why is it that all my teammates can blast someone in the gut, and kill them in one hit, but because I'm trying to play a "pure" character that doesn't have modifications, I suddenly am not allowed to be on the same power level as my team mates.

Its frustrating to see that I sacrificed on other ends to reach this point, but I'm not allowed to perform at this level that I built up. I'm supposed to be gimped, for not having modified my "body". I'm supposed to not be helpful because I sacrificed other aspects (covered by the rest of the team) so that I could be most helpful in assassinating armored foes with punches.

So now I'm sitting here, rethinking my entire concept. I can NOT run like this. I can not play this character as they are telling me to. For one they are trying to further lower my stats by having Magic be part of the 200 point buy of Physical and Mental Attributes. Second, they are not letting me follow the rules as written for the Martial Arts buys from the supplement book (I gave on this one as I considered it an optional rule as it was).

They gave on armor mods for civie armor, and they gave on an adept ability. But those just barely, and with a lot of fighting. I feel tired of this game, and I haven't even played it yet.

I'm not sure if I'll bother making another character. The more I think about it, the more I just don't even want to deal with this group. I want to play, but I don't want to have to fight for every roll and for every decision. Their attitude is, that they are right 100% of the time. No amount of contradictory evidence will fix their point of view.

When the only way to be heard is to scream louder than the other person, and even then, they "hear" you but don't listen... what is the point? I think, I'll bring it up with them. I'll explain to them why I feel that playing with them would be detrimental to our friendship.

I wanted to enjoy myself. I wanted to have fun with friends.

1 comment:

  1. I'm pretty sure that my character is not powerful at all. I do understand your points here, but I do have to agree with the GM on the point of martial arts styles and how they can be used together.
    I have some martial arts (MA) experience. While i think that being well rounded in multiple disciplines is good for an over all fighting ability, an MA type 1 punch + MA type 2 punch will not give you a stronger punch. If you focus on a single type yes it will become stronger. In practice a MA 1 punch plus a MA 2 punch actually becomes its own style of MA, which would need to be leveled by itself. In essence MA 1 + 2 would cease to exist at that time. I am pretty sure that this is the GMs view and it is mine as well.
    I am playing not to build a super character but to view the minds of all my friends. I'd love to see your character develop a new MMA of sorts and be all hellraiser with that!
